wrap it in clothes with cold towel s or ice cubes.

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Within 2 days after the operation, nurses will wipe their mothers with hot towels, and for the convenience of their mothers, they will kneel on the ground to serve. This moved my mother, and we had never seen it before.

wrap it in clothes with cold towel s or ice cubes.

⑥, cold compress can contract blood vessels and milk ducts and relieve the pain of milk blockage and mastitis, so mothers with milk blockage and mastitis should use a cold compress after breastfeeding and wrap it in clothes with cold towels or ice cubes. Apply it for 20 minutes and rest for 20 minutes, which can also slow down the flow rate of milk and reduce milk.

Step 10: Once the dough has risen for the final time, gently remove the towel and place the pan in the preheated oven. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes or until the baguettes turn golden brown and develop a crisp crust.

wrap it in clothes with cold towel s or ice cubes.

You should wait for it to fall off naturally and do not rub it with towels or hands to prevent skin damage and infection. You can give your baby a bath, but the water temperature is not too high, 38-41 ℃ is suitable. Do not overuse detergent consumables.

3. The project department publicizes and educates the construction personnel on the knowledge of heat prevention and cooling, and is familiar with and master the emergency measures and rescue methods to be taken for heatstroke patients. If you find someone suffering from heatstroke, you should immediately take the heatstroke away from the high temperature environment, move to a cool and ventilated place to rest, apply a towel soaked in cold water on your head, and use Ren Dan, cool oil, ten drops of water in time to relieve the heat. ? And then

wrap it in clothes with cold towel s or ice cubes.

Shampoo can remove dust, stop itching and benefit the breathing of head skin. Shampoo 4-7 times a week is appropriate. It is best not to wash your hair with too hot water, and should not use a strong degreasing shampoo. After washing, gently pat the hair with a thick towel to absorb the remaining moisture. It is best to let the hair dry naturally.