and nose with contaminated hands and towel s, the virus can

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So how to disinfect and monitor the food delivery box? There are also detailed provisions in the standard. The delivery boy of and Baidu takeout also conducted an on-site demonstration today: put on disposable gloves before cleaning and transfer items such as thermal insulation materials; clean the inner and outer surfaces of the catering distribution box (bag) with wet paper towels or disposable paper towels with tap water (or) detergent solution. in order to avoid cross-contamination, the brother cleaned the internal and external surfaces separately, and paid special attention to the four corners that are easy to hide dirt during internal cleaning.

Chisel the wall to connect the wire, need the help of a professional electrician, do not recommend to do it yourself. The wiring of the terminal board is a little ugly, so we should pay attention to the problem of waterproofing. The electric towel rack is not necessarily limited to the use of the toilet, it is also possible to move the electric towel rack to the bedroom, study and other positions with sockets, which is a common practice of foreign families. Choose an electric towel rack with a long wire length and extend it to the outlet outside the bathroom.

and nose with contaminated hands and towel s, the virus can

Tableware and teacups are strictly disinfected, the towels and basins of the elderly are often cleaned, and urinals are disinfected in time after use. Usually do a good job in health care guidance, supervise and regularly check the food hygiene situation and date once.

3. Put the water cup, towel, fruit bowl and mask on the table, and then ask the child what they are for. Ask the child to associate the object with the use of the object and strengthen it in time.

and nose with contaminated hands and towel s, the virus can

At present, the pneumonia patients infected by novel coronavirus are the main source of infection. Respiratory droplet transmission is the main route of transmission, and it can also be transmitted through contact. Respiratory transmission: when the carrier coughs or sneezes and the medical staff carries out medical operations on the patient, droplets or aerosols with pathogens are formed, and the susceptible person gets infected when inhaled. Contact transmission: such as rubbing eyes and nose with contaminated hands and towels, the virus can enter the body through the mucous membrane.

If you go to the hospital, it is best to make an appointment for the outpatient number. if there is only an emergency, you can bring a water cup, antipyretic medicine, small towels and blankets, sterilized alcohol cotton tablets, masks and medical insurance cards.

and nose with contaminated hands and towel s, the virus can